How to book interpreters online for your events and meetings

PolyPlay Marketplace makes it easier than ever to source, book and pay for your interpreters.
Easily book interpreters online with PolyPlay!

Step 1: Browse the Interpreter Marketplace

Browse our extensive Interpreter Marketplace and select the interpreter(s) you need for your event.

  • Many language pairs are available.
  • Search for a language pair directly from the top search bar
  • Sort interpreters by rating, price, popularity, and other criteria.
Polyplay browse interpreters online
Browse interpreters easily on with our online catalog

Step 2: Select your event dates

Select the event dates, times and duration and click on Check Availability.

  • Review the terms & conditions and cancellation policies carefully
  • Proceed to check out in order to request a booking confirmation.

Payment is only due after the service provider confirms your request.

Book interpreters check availability
Book interpreters by checking their availability on our online calendar
Checkout to request booking confirmation

Click on Proceed to Checkout and fill the confirmation request form. After that, click on Request Confirmation.
No payment information is needed at this stage.

Request booking confirmation from service provider

Step 3: Checkout and confirmation of the booking

The service provider will approve the booking request. Afterwards, you will need to pay for the service.

  • We will send you an email with the link to pay
  • Alternatively, you can find the link in your Polyplay Account

For larger projects, bank transfer payments are possible. Consider PolyPlay Full Service for your larger projects!

Step 4: Organizing the logistics with your interpreter

Remember to set up a meeting with your interpreter after you confirmed the booking.

  • Make sure they are familiar with your tools and processes.
  • Provide them with presentations and other useful documents
  • Share specific industry jargon

We strongly recommend you open a ticket to arrange things with your service provider. On, go to My Account, click on Order and select Ask Question.

Most importantly, we cannot help with anything you discuss outside of the platform.

Finally, remember that we can also take care of everything with PolyPlay Full Service.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.