Zoom meetings live interpretation

Zoom is a popular choice for live interpreted meetings, thanks to their user-friendly interpretation features.
However, more is required to ensure that your audience will get the best possible experience during their interpreted meeting.

At PolyPlay, we believe that the quality and preparation of the interpreters are as critical as the ease of use of the interpretation features.

Zoom interpretation features

Zoom integrates popular, user-friendly Language Interpretation features

Hire interpreters for a Zoom Meeting

You can choose to go DIY and handle the interpreters preparation yourself. Get started in no time with those easy steps:

  • Find and book your interpreters –  browse our high-quality, vetted live interpreters marketplace!
  • Enable Zoom interpretation on your meeting and assign your interpreters
  • Perform a technical check with your interpreters and ensure they are ready,

You can also choose to get in touch and let us organize your Zoom meeting with Live Interpretation for you, with PolyPlay Full Service.

PolyPlay technicians have a lot of experience with Zoom Live Interpretation features, and specialize in ensuring a high quality of service. We handle interpreters booking, preparation and monitoring during the meeting.